
Besides our signature products, Nu LifeLine, and NuStories-
We offer a FULL LINE of variety for ALL your production needs!!!
WRITING | SCREENPLAYS (for film, video, & stage productions!)
WEBSITE (building of, and/or maintaining of)
BUSINESS PRESENTATIONS (training/how to/introduction videos)
VOICE OVERS (with a variety of voicing artists ~ to capture exactly what you're looking for!)
COMMERCIALS (from start to finish!)
NU LIFELINE FILMS A documentary made for the special one in your life!!)
NU STORIES (OUR MOST POPULAR SERVICE!) where we take your photos laying around, (whether vaca, or other), and make into a blockbuster film!)
NU MOPHO's (where we take your ordinary 'still' pictures. and make them extraordinary by adding motion to them!)
WHATEVER your need in terms of video or web production?? We have you absolutely COVERED!!!
START TO FINISH.. YOUR SATISFACTION.. is GUARANTEED! 100%!!! We are THE BEST in our field (we would delight in showing you!!), and GUARANTEED CHEAPEST!!
Our services range of many
... from full length productions, to small party productions, to voice overs, to web services. See below & click on an event in order to render what suits you best & to get started making awesome memories....
Commercials / Professional ads
Business Presentations/Company Portfolios
Church Baptismal (baby &/or adult)
First Day of School &/or School Plays
MOST POPULAR and our trademark... are our Nu Stories productions!! (Click here.)
SOCIAL MEDIA VIDEO INTRODUCTIONS... are short 10-15 second videos to be used on such sites as ....
These 'video intros' will be the perfect way to distinguish you from others on social media. They also add a personal touch catered to YOU and YOUR VIDEOS... Whether your videos are about cooking, sports, drama, stage, or just blogging and video diarys... they are YOU - announcing YOU - making sure your videos are BRANDED as YOU! For more information and/or to see more samples -
Have you ever been to a concert, play, or special event... and all of a sudden.. the lights dim, and the announcer proceeds to anounce that nights act?? Or watch a Late Night tv show and hear the phrase... heeeeeeeeerrreeees so-and-so??? ... This is much the exact SAME....
I take a look at your social networking page and then will bounce ideas off you to create the perfect video intro ... to put at the beginning of your own videos. It's a view of you and what your about. This will welcome your audience with a greeting, as it announces YOU.. the star of your show. It solidifies YOU.. with your AUDIENCE.
No matter what your channel/videos are about.. A great 'INTRODUCTION VIDEO' that represents YOU just looks better & keeps folks coming back every time!!
Let us create one for you that is UNIQUELY YOU!! ONLY $20.00 per introduction video!